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  • Parijskij, Yu. N.; Bursov, N. N.; Wielebinski, R.; Vitkovskij, V. V.; Klein, U.; Lipovka, N. M.; Soboleva, N. S.; Temirova, A. V. A study of errors in determination of the parameters of sources from the RATAN-600 deep sky survey and the catalogue of radio sources detected in the interval of right ascensions 0h < α < 1h, 4h < α < 5h, 16h< α < 17h and declination of SS433. Astrofiz. Issled. Izv. Spets. Astrofiz. Obs., Tom 27, p. 95 - 111.
  • Bursov, N. N.; Verkhodanov, O. V.; Erukhimov, B. L.; Lipovka, N. M.; Pyatunina, T. B.; Soboleva, N. S.; Temirova, A. V.; Chernenkov, V. N. Use of the Method of Declination Cross Sections to Determine the Parameters of Radio Sources with the Fixed-Focus Mode of the RATAN-600. Bull. SAO, Vol. 28, P. 130 (1989).