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Scientific achievements, Metagalaxy sector


A giant cloud of neutral hydrogen was detected resulting from the observations with the 6-m telescope and other world telescopes in a broad wavelength interval from UV to radio. Two solid fragments collapse in this cloud, giving birth to new blue dwarf galaxy-satellites SBS-052 and SBS 0335-052W. Both galaxies are considered to be the evolutionally youngest ones among the known nearby galaxies and have an extremely low abundance of heavy elements. The formation of the first stars in these galaxies had begun not earlier than 100 millions years ago.
(In cooperation with the NAS, Ukraine, the University of Virginia, USA, NRAO USA, and the University of Munich, Germany)

Statistically significant deviations from the Poisson distribution are found in the radiosource distribution within the deep surveys conducted at RATAN-600 at the scales coinciding with those of the recently detected Sakharov oscillations (0.7-0.3o). This fact points at a possible genetic link between the pre-recombination perturbations and the later structure of the Universe.
(In cooperation with SAI)

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Last update: 18/09/2012