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Scientific achievements, Hardware and methodical developments


New Fourier spectrum analyzer for radio astronomy research at the RATAN-600
A new digital Fourier spectrograph with the analysis bandwidth of 60 MHz and 2048 spectral channels was put into operation at the RATAN-600. Getting information about the studied signal in the time-frequency-power measurements allows recording and analyzing the signals, rapidly varying in time. The use of this device facilitates the separation of radio astronomical signals from noise - the registration of a broadband signal, divided into a large number of narrow areas provides the capability to eliminate the distortions, introduced by the interferences stable in frequency. The presence of information about the moment of registration in the recorded signal allows to exclude the short-term broadband spark-type interferences.
In collaboration with IAA, ASC LPI RAS, Institute of Isotherms.
(Contact - A.P.Venger).

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Last update: 20/02/2013