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Scientific results "Hardware and methodological developments"

 Archive 2003: 

As a result of development of image slicers, polarization analyzers and reduction technique, the limiting magnitude of spectral observations at BTA with high spectral resolution (up to R=80000) has been increased by 3 times, the limiting magnitude of spectropolarimetric observations increased from 3 to 8 times (in the red and UV ranges, respectively).

A wide-angle system (18x20 degrees) of high time resolution (up to 0.13s) for real time detection of variable astronomical objects - optical transients of gamma-bursts, flare stars and novae, supernovae at early stages of their birth, and also near-earths moving bodies of natural and artificial origin -is created.
In co-operation with Kosmoten and SRI RAS

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Last update: 20/02/2013